Sourdough Journal

A journal of my attempts to make a sourdough starter, make sourdough, other breads, etc.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Close up...

Originally uploaded by Sumisu Yoshi.
One of the boules close up. This is from the starter I will likely be keeping, as it rose better with both loaves. Both of the boules were baked using my pizza stone as a base, with the cloche bell lid over top.

Two Sandwich Loaves

Two Sandwich Loaves
Originally uploaded by Sumisu Yoshi.
These rose better than they look like they did. They were a little small for the size loaf pan they were in. They both split really badly, but it is kind of hard to slash the top when it isn't even close to the top of the loaf pan!

Two Loaves

Two Loaves
Originally uploaded by Sumisu Yoshi.
Both sourdough, both the same recipe, turned out a little bit different. Mainly, the one on the left had more flour stick to it.
A while a go I split my starter into two, because it didn't seem to be doing well with whole wheat flour, I split some off and tried to get to whole wheat more slowly.
Then both starters were loving whole wheat. So today I did a bakeoff. Two boules and two sandwich loaves. The one on the right here is the original starter, definitely rose more. Seemed to do the same with the sandwich loaves as well.